
Side Effects When Eating Too Much Canned Food

Find yourself eating a lot of canned food lately? We don’t blame you. After it, there’s nothing more convenient than getting your food straight from a can! You don’t have to waste time scouring the aisles looking for the freshest produce, washing it, and then cutting it up. With a can, you just simply have to pop it open and enjoy.

Although it is easier to eat food from a can, you might want to know what happens if you eat too much canned food. But is eating fresh produce that much better? Well, not really. The nutritional value of the food itself still remains the same, regardless of packaging. However, it’s the preservatives and additives that might cause some problems, such as heavy syrup and lots of salt. There’s a reason why canned food can last months on end if needed. 

Although you don’t need to worry much, it’s helpful to know about some side effects that can come with eating too much canned food. Let’s jump right into a few to improve your health. 

Salt and Preservatives

Did you know that canned food can sometimes last for years?[1] There’s a reason why these cans can be stored in your shed for so long. It’s because they have some large amounts of sodium and preservatives which can have some slight effects on your body if you eat too much. 

For one, eating a lot of salt doesn’t bode too well for your heart, blood pressure, and bones[2]. You might be at higher risk for hypertension[3] and a stroke, so it’s important to ease how much sodium you take in. At times, you might even feel increased headaches[4] and swelling because the salt can make some parts of your body thirstier. Be sure to check the nutrition label if you’re skeptical about how much salt is in your canned food! 


You might have heard about the term ‘BPA’ before, or Bisphenol A. It’s a chemical that has been commonly used to produce some plastics and packaging, like your average water bottle. As you might have guessed, BPA isn’t exactly the healthiest chemical to put in your body. 

Yet around 10-20% of canned goods still have trace amounts of BPA in its contents. Although a small amount is relatively healthy for you to ingest, eating a lot of canned food long term can lead to a larger problem. Some of the side effects include a higher blood pressure, a potential cancer risk[5], and possible birth defects. 

The best way to continue to enjoy canned foods while staying healthy is to look for labeling that notes it is BPA-free. 

Final Thoughts

Don’t worry, keep on eating those canned goods! They’re a fantastic solution to eat once in a while when you’re low on food in the fridge and need a quick meal to satisfy your hunger. Just try not to make it a habit of eating too many cans every day, as that could pose a slight risk to your health. Remember that it’s always important to keep a healthy diet of fresh produce! 
