In a lifetime, the concern to lose excess weight is considered. Being overweight can be a pain in the butt. It, therefore, demands a plan that would help you achieve a healthy weight loss. You can begin your weight-loss journey by following a plan. How you can do this is what you'll be learning in this article.
Have you seen a close relative who subscribed to a healthy weight loss plan and is now physically fit? That tells you that you can achieve yours too.
What is a healthy weight loss?
A healthy weight loss is the removal of excess weight in the human body through a plan and corresponding action. It takes a deliberate effort. Will you take action or will you just hope your body will change by itself? Being overweight is not something you want to settle with.
Misconceptions About Weight Loss
Without exact scientific knowledge, people will be reaching out to a vision that is out of sight. Here is a list of widely known attempts to lose weight that are born out of misconceptions. These approaches may work in the short term, but they do not deliver lasting results.
Starvation: Many people believe that they'll lose weight if they starve themselves. it may deliver interim results but not a long-lasting result. It can be dangerous to your health as well.
Dry fasting: This is similar to the previous one, dry fasting is not healthy, as you are depriving your body of one of its most important necessities, water.
Rigorous exercises: Exercising vigorously alone is not the right way to lose weight.
Below are some other popular misconceptions about trying to lose weight.
Healthy foods cost more. If you would convert the money you spend on carbonated drinks, and junk into vegetables and fruits you'd be amazed.
Pills and slim tea will help to lose weight.
Foods labeled "low fat" are always a healthy choice.
Skipping meals can help to lose weight.
How can I achieve healthy weight loss through a plan?
Stephen Covey once said[1], "To achieve goals you have not achieved before, you must start doing what you have not done before". The activities done daily are what results in a build-up of results either consciously or otherwise. For instance, if you have been feeding on junks and soda, the effects of that poor feeding habit will not be evident in a day. The evidence of a weight loss program may not manifest immediately as well, but persistence and patience are the keys.
Adopt a Process Plan
A process goal is an unavoidable step to achieving the desired outcome. It is taking bits of activities as a habitual endeavor to achieve a goal. For example, a process goal might be to eat four servings of fruits or vegetables a day, to walk twenty-five minutes a day, or to drink up to two liters of water daily. Process goals are helpful for weight loss because you focus on changing behaviors and habits that are necessary for losing weight.
How do I set my weight loss goals?

Categorize them under these three sections:
1 Short Term goal e.g losing belly fat.
2 Medium-Term goal e.g Post-pregnancy weight loss.
3 Long-Term goal e.g Obesity.
This will help you to measure and evaluate your progress. It'll encourage you when you want to give up on it.
Do you want to know how to develop a plan? Read on.
Develop Your Own Plan
In developing a plan, you may need the help of one of the following professionals: a dietitian, medical doctor, and fitness coach. To achieve your immediate weight loss goals you can develop one yourself. Fundamentally, your plans should have these in perspective:
Simplicity: The simplicity of the activities involved to achieve your goal is important. It must be specific, with no form of ambiguity.
Measurability: It is said that ambiguity cannot be scaled. The use of numbers to show intervals and precision should be adopted. I'll take fruits. What type of fruit? Which fruit exactly? At what quantities? Your plan must answer these questions.
Achievability: Goal setting requires you to set milestones that you can achieve. It is your plan. Ensure it's something you can do. Take it a piece at a time, so you won't get tired.
Reality: A plan that is not real will sabotage your goal.
Time: Every plan must be time-bound else the goal will not be fit to be called "achievable".
In conclusion, decide that you will not give up before you start or even when you have started..Losing weight is not easy, it'll cost you. You would have to encourage yourself and celebrate your small wins. Achieving your goal is the objective, don't lose sight of it and it will be worth the sacrifice.
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